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Ableton live 10 suite wavetable free. Ableton Wavetable

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The functionality of the Oxygen Pro control surface script has been drastically changed. Updated the bundled Max build to version 8. For a complete Max 8. Interface Improvements. Midi Recording and Editing. Improved Live's history for Automation Mode.

It is now possible to edit the value of a time selection in an automation lane with no events. When right-clicking near the dotted line inside the selection, the "Edit Value" context menu command allows entering a value for the selected segment. In automation lanes, the Automation Transform handles now snap at the top and bottom positions, and at the opposite top and bottom corner positions. Snapping is indicated by a less transparent frame color. Control Surfaces.

Multi Clip Editing. New Devices and Device Improvements. Mousewheel zoom events now can resize all the highlighted content tracks in the Arrangement View. Previously, this exclusively worked for tracks whose headers where selected. Live 10 Release Notes Specifically: The Rewind and Fastforward buttons will now rewind and fastforward the Arrangement position.

Turning the Encoder will now scroll the Session frame up and down. Holding the Encoder down and turning it will scroll the selected Scene up and down. Fixed an issue where the Session frame was visible even when the hardware was not connected. The faders now always control volume. The Faderport 16 still requires manual setup, but Faderport 16 and 16 XT will appear in the control surface dropdown menu. On Windows, pressing "Alt" in Live now shows Menu Accelerator Keys to open menu bar items, as is the behavior in standard Windows applications.

On Windows, Live once again detects if it could not create a directory because one already existed. Alternatively, if grouped prior to setting the MIDI routing between the two, Live would also crash when attempting to ungroup the pair once the routing was set. Grouping and ungrouping within the device chain will now behave as expected.

Full Screen mode is still available using the "F11" key. Previously, under certain circumstances, Live appeared to hang because the UI could not be drawn.

Previously, installing many Live Packs at once caused Live's installation dialog window to become too big and unable to be used properly. Fixed an issue where the Track Solo feature of the Tranzport control surface script did not work correctly. Live will show and use. Fixed a crash that could occur during video export when using an external display as the primary display on MacBook Pro macOS.

Live is compatible with Apple Silicon computers running Rosetta. With the Launchkey MK3 control surface script, it is now possible to continue playback by holding down the Shift button and pressing the Play button.

Previously, a visual glitch could appear around the Groove Pool selector button, under certain circumstances. Fixed an issue where a pending auto-update would sometimes not be applied after downloading. Note: this fix only affects auto-updates to future versions of Live. Previously, the Operator device could crash or calculate inaccurate frequencies when its Fixed Mode and Spread parameters were enabled. Live's window no longer turns red when loading a Set with missing plug-in devices.

Previously, Live would hang when turning its audio engine off, under certain circumstances. Fixed a bug that prevented certain low-resolution plug-in devices from scaling correctly on macOS. Fixed a crash that could occur when cancelling an "Export Audio" operation during the "Wait for silence" step. Fixed a crash that could occur when running certain plug-in devices. When the Vestax VCM is detected by Live, its control surface script will now be automatically selected and set up.

Shift-key functionality once again works as expected in the Clip View's Sample Display. Previously, Packs would change icons upon being assigned a color in the browser. The Max device error view description text now follows Live's selected theme. Fixed some bugs: - Certain VST3 plug-ins that are not defined as instruments e. Previously, cropping an unwarped clip could produce a clip whose loop markers were outside the sample.

When saving a Set for the first time, self-containing the Set or creating a Pack using Live's File Manager, Live would incorrectly enable the Warp switch for such clips. Fixed a crash that could occur when using certain VST3 plug-ins. Previously, when cropping an unlooped MIDI clip whose loop was outside the audible region, Live would hang when enabling the cropped clip's loop.

A memory leak and subsequent crash on macOS has been fixed when Live's window is not being interacted with for a prolonged period of time. Every Push 2 user will get a firmware update to v. This firmware version fixes an issue that caused some displays to appear upside down. Metal support is disabled on OS X Added more Live theme colors to Max for Live.

When the Pedal device is disabled, the Pedal Type chooser switch now appears in the correct text color. When the Glue Compressor device is disabled, the text labels around rotary switches now stay in the same place. Updated various info texts, and improved some info text translations for Spanish and French languages. Bugfixes: Fixed hanging that could occur when dragging a compressed sample into Live, under certain circumstances macOS only.

Previously, an erroneous message would appear in the Status Bar when deleting an audio file within a folder in the Places section of the browser. Fixed lagging that occurred in the browser's search field when the Sounds label was selected. Previously, a Macro Control's range settings were not correctly updated when that Macro Control was being controlled by a Max for Live device.

On first start, Live now only selects Simplified Chinese as the UI language if either: - the operating system language is set to Simplified Chinese; or - the operating system region is set to the People's Republic of China excluding Taiwan and special administrative regions such as Hong Kong and Macao.

On macOS, if the operating system language is set to Simplified Chinese, Live now asks for permissions e. Live could crash when closing a window, a drop-down menu, or a context menu, under certain circumstances. Pressing and releasing Clear will still delete the current clip. In the Launchpad Pro MK3's Device Mode, the last selected parameter bank of each device instance will now be recalled upon reselecting the device instance.

When Live is set to Japanese, the formatting of lesson texts in the Help View is once again displayed correctly. Previously, Live would not respond to mouse clicks if a dialog opened while another application was in focus macOS only. Previously, newly-created clips sometimes did not inherit their track color. Devices In the Wavetable device, Undo commands performed on changes to user wavetables should now work as expected, and provide more meaningful undo descriptions for parameters that previously only displayed the default "Change Value" Undo action description.

Previously in the Echo and Delay devices, the first repeats of the audio signal were repitched, under certain circumstances. Fixed an issue that caused intermittent dropouts in the DS Kick device. Fixed a crash that occurred when loading Live Sets, under certain circumstances. Fixed a bug that created unintended fade-ins, under certain circumstances. Fixed the display and editing of continuous parameters in VST3 plug-in devices.

Where supported, VST3 plug-ins now use a linear knob mode. Previously, Live's Preferences were reset after updating to a new version, under certain conditions. It is no longer possible to change parameter values in a Max for Live device, if the track containing that device is frozen.

Info texts and Help View lessons now have Chinese translations. Recording automation for multiple device or mixer parameters together will now result in less steps to undo on Push.

While recording on Push, pressing the Fixed Length button near the end of a segment of time that corresponds with the Global Quantization setting will cause Live to wait until that amount of time is elapsed before stopping the recording.

When Push is connected, other control surfaces will no longer conflict with the automatic track arming behavior of Push. When using multiple Push control surfaces, they will no longer conflict with each other's automatic track arming behavior.

In the Novation Launchpad Pro MK3 controller's Device Mode, the last selected parameter bank of each device instance will now be recalled upon reselecting the device instance. Max for Live Default Max for Live devices now use live. Fixed a bug that prevented undo and redo operations upon creating a computer keyboard mapping, as well as redo operations after deleting a computer keyboard mapping. Fixed a visual glitch that appeared when moving the mouse over an automation envelope.

Previously when dragging a velocity marker, the mouse cursor would jump back to its initial position. When using an encoder on a MIDI controller to control a device parameter with discrete values, the control functionality will no longer be inverted. Devices Previously, when instantiating an Audio Unit plug-in, Live would sometimes display an error message about a folder that could not be created. Previously, after replacing a Max for Live device and then undoing the operation, the wrong device name would be displayed.

Fixed a crash that occurred after unfreezing a track containing Wavetable, and then deleting the Wavetable device. Parameter banks in the Wavetable device will now be correctly mapped to control surfaces. Fixed a crash that occurred when selecting and freezing multiple tracks containing the External Instrument device. If a track with a plug-in device is unfrozen, has its plug-in parameters or preset changed, and is frozen again, it will now record new audio instead of using the old frozen audio file.

Max for Live devices that are not visible are now correctly notified of active state changes.



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Previously it was not possible to adjust the loop start position in unwarped audio clips without quantization. A crash would occur when editing the crossfade between two very short clips. Fixed a crash when removing a device that showed a parameter in an additional automation lane while the mouse is hovering over the parameter's automation.

The "Select Track Content" context menu command would not work on multiple selected tracks. Automation Previously, when copying an Arrangement clip with existing automation to another track, automation would not be copied even if the target track and source track contained identical devices. Also, if a track is created by dragging a clip into the Arrangement drop area, all automation is now copied over and set to the the correct time.

Copying and pasting automation might lead to unexpected results, if the copied selection extended across multiple tracks. When pressing the Option Alt key and clicking on a track's Unfold Track button, the position of that track does not change. Live could crash on Windows when clicking on a breakpoint while holding the grid modifier.

Positioning fade handles with arrow keys was not working correctly. Browser AU plug-in default presets. Files from the "Current Project" label might fail to appear in the browser under certain circumstances. File types unsupported in certain editions and when run as a ReWire slave e. M4A audio files would not show up in Live's browser anymore. Control Surfaces Added bank definitions to Wavetable for third-party control surfaces.

File Handling Previously it was not possible to delete files or directories with names containing slashes. Previously, toggling Automation Mode would create an Undo step. Plug-ins and Sets that are saved in directory junctions on Windows work again. Live would crash when launching the program by double-clicking a Live Set, in cases where the Live Set was corrupted. Fixed a problem which might prevent AU presets from recalling correctly.

Live's window contents no longer briefly flicker after changes to a hardware display setup. Depending on the language used in Live, the progress of the crash recovery wasn't visible on the splash screen because the text was clipped.

Improved the drag and drop handling on HiDPI screens. Previously, dragging a file from Explorer into Live would show the file at the wrong position in Live Windows only. Fixed a bug which caused text to overflow on top of the frame containing the browser's search field. Fixed a bug which caused clips to be incorrectly colored when readded to a Live Set, if an.

Fixed a bug where sequences of visually short borderless notes would be nearly invisible if crowded into overlapping pixel areas. Fixed a minor visual issue affecting corners in grouped devices. Fixed a minor inconsistency in the height of notes in Arrangement clips and clip previews. Upon loading a Live Set, the clip envelope parameter selection would not be restored in the Detail View. When double-clicking and dragging a slider control, the mouse cursor would not be hidden as expected, if Pen Tablet Mode was disabled.

Meters in Live's mixer would appear as stuck when loading a Set. Improved UI performance on Windows when resizing Arrangement clips. Fixed a bug which incorrectly applied bold formatting to chunks of text in the Help View. If HiDPI was enabled on a Windows 10 machine, the preview of a dragged object either dragged within Live or into Live would appear offset.

If multiple audio clips were selected, changing a selection in the Detail View would create a wrong time selection in the Arrangement. Removed inconsistent extra spacing from the context menu entry "Add Lane for Each Automated Envelope" in automation lane headers. Previously, some radio buttons in certain devices displayed unreadable text. On Windows, dropping files from Addictive Drums 2 into Live works again. When renaming Arrangement clips, the wrong mouse cursor would be displayed, making it difficult to insert the cursor at the desired position.

The grayed out text "Open Groove Pool On Windows, if a plug-in showed a modal dialog, the main window could not be closed while that dialog was being shown.

Horizontal sliders are now black instead of white in the Dark Theme this is particularly noticeable for plug-in device parameters in the Detail View. Restored Hints functionality. Live could crash when deleting a Max for Live device which had a fullscreen window. Live's main window can no longer obscure all other windows when using Max for Live devices.

The Max patcher window is now correctly sized on Windows. Text in message boxes would sometimes appear cut off. Various nodesnames attribute improvements. Fixed issues with adding new objects to presentation mode. Seq object now properly records MIDI. Firewall permissions dialog is appropriately suppressed in the Max for Live editor.

HiDPI: improved drawing when changing Windows display settings. Max Authorization Window: improved wording and user options. Performing an Undo after Macro-mapping a Max parameter would leave that parameter unmapped and unusable. Live would crash when dragging a Live device on top of a Max for Live device.

Mapping Device Rack Macros to a live. MIDI editor When folding an empty MIDI clip in a Drum Rack that contained at least one chain receiving all notes, the clip would fold to that chain only, whereas now the clip will not fold at all. Also, when switching between audio clips while a warp marker was selected, the Seg. BPM box would erroneously show the tempo of the previously selected marker. This would also lead to jumps in the displayed waveform visualization when the tempo was adjusted.

In a multi-clip editing scenario, notes of all clips are taken into account, whereas previously only the notes of the foreground clip were considered. Additionally, fixed a bug which prevented the vertical zoom state from initializing correctly under certain circumstances. Fixed a few minor bugs in the MIDI Editor: when selecting one out of many selected notes, the selection would not revert to the selected note when opening the context menu while hovering over a background note, and then clicking outside of the context menu, the background note would remain in a hovered state when hovering over a background note, it was possible to highlight a momentarily invisible foreground note Multi Clip Editing Previously, the adaptive grid size of a newly created clip could sometimes be incorrectly calculated when multi-clip editing.

Navigation Tracks in the Arrangement View would scroll out of view completely when toggling Automation Mode if the highlighted track was not visible. When resizing an Arrangement track, only tracks whose header is selected will be resized.

Previously, a track might be erroneously resized if a content selection existed on that track. When scrolling up and down in the Arrangement View using a mousewheel, the view would only move in very small increments. Previously, when extracting a Drum Rack chain to a new track, the zoom level and time selection were erroneously applied to the newly created clip. When undoing the deletion of a note while in Arrangement View, the Clip View zoom level unexpectedly zoomed in to that note.

Previously, scrolling the Arrangement's mixer section with a mousewheel was not possible. Previously, the time selection status display would not get updated when selecting a clip in the Arrangement. The grid modifier would not toggle the grid when changing the time selection or moving the insert marker with the arrow keys.

Dragging a device over a Session return track header that overlapped a group device chain header would cause erratic scrolling in Session View.

Nested Groups Fixed a crash that occurred when duplicating a nested Group Track containing a plug-in with an active modal dialog while Live's second window was open.

New Devices and Device Improvements The Arpeggiator device could lead to crashes under certain circumstances. AU plug-in parameters might behave erratically when being controlled with the mouse, under certain circumstances. It was erroneously possible to tweak parameters in the expanded view of certain devices, even if the track was frozen.

Under certain circumstances, some Wavetable and Echo parameters would not respond smoothly. Simpler's settings would not be recalled correctly, if the device was set to Slice by Beat and its playback was not warped. Echo's timing would change when exporting audio at a different sample rate than the one currently in use.

Under certain circumstances, Wavetable's polyphonic voice stealing would cause certain notes to get stuck. A crash might occur when trying to preview a Live Clip in Live's browser, if this referenced a Wavetable device. The switches on the left side of the Glue Compressor device are now centered. Certain parameter names would be truncated in the left column of Wavetable's Modulation Matrix.

Dropping many samples onto a Simpler or a Drum Rack would take much longer in Live 10 than it did in Live 9. Live could crash when loading certain Wavetable presets from the Core Library. Setup Fixed a bug which caused a "Preferences. Fixed a crash which occurred on startup under certain circumstances.

On certain Windows machines, attempting to authorize Live 10 would fail. Live was not able to prevent entering Sleep mode or turning off the display on Windows. Wavetable The animated sliders beneath the modulation target names would occasionally not appear in Wavetable. Improved Wavetable's impact on CPU under certain circumstances. Changes for Push: Push Improved the display of Live's color palette on third-party control surfaces. Updated Push 2's firmware to version 1. This version contains the updated color palette for Live Envelope visualizations are now available for Wavetable on Push 2.

It is now possible to select wavetables in the Wavetable device on Push 1. Push bugfixes: Push The clip color palette for Push 1 was updated to match the Live 10 color palette. The Push 1 browser would not display entries correctly if Live's language was set to Japanese.

Fixed parameter sensitivities for Analog and Impulse devices on Push 2. Push Device Visualization Wavetable's filter visualization on Push 2 might be displayed incorrectly after the Control Surface script was reinitialized. A device's color would not update correctly on Push 2 when moving the device to a new track.

Push 2's display failed to indicate that an automation existed for certain Wavetable filter parameters. Fixed envelope slope visualizations in Wavetable on Push 2. Added missing parameters and icons for Operator and Analog's parameter banks on Push 2.

Fixed a scenario where Push 2's display could crash when hot-swapping AU plug-in presets. The Note Settings view would close after touching an encoder, if all notes were being edited Push 1 and Push 2. It is now possible to copy, paste, duplicate and nudge a time selection that spans across automation lanes in multiple tracks. When an Arrangement selection resides on an automation lane, the text for nudging changes from "Nudge Clip s " to "Nudge Envelope s ".

While dragging MIDI clips, notes are drawn in the range of the target track. This enables seeing the content of the clips in the context of the target track. Automation It is now possible to extend a selection from an automation lane to the content lane of the same track. Introduced a "micro-snapping" behavior: clips, loop markers and warp markers snap to a grid line even if the grid is off, if the distance to that grid line does not exceed 1 pixel.

Browser It is now possible to add Factory Packs content to Collections. Capture Capture can now change the Set tempo, if a preferable interpretation is found. When overdubbing a loop in the Session View, Capture will choose the loop iteration with a significant amount of new material in it. This is achieved via a context menu by right-clicking on the plug-in device either in the browser or in the Detail View. If the setting is disabled, the plug-in will appear much smaller in size, but this helps in cases where the mouse would behave erratically when trying to interact with the plug-in UI.

Improved the zoom cursor design to increase its visibility with all Themes. When dropping a sample on a Drum Rack pad, its border now appears in black or white instead of orange , depending on the Theme in use. Improved the 'Live 9' Theme. When editing multiple clips while zoomed out of the MIDI Editor, notes are now displayed in a shaded version of their clip color, so it is easier to identify to which clip they belong to. The color of the little ticks that indicate a boundary between two very small notes has also been adjusted to improve readability.

Finally, in order to make high-precision note editing easier, notes are no longer displayed as selected when they are being controlled by the mouse e. Level meter ticks now match the color of the dB labels beside them. Changed the width of tracks created by dragging and dropping something into Live.

Updated the Mid-Dark and Dark Themes. Added minor color changes to Automation Mode. The Solo buttons have been updated to fit the new font. Improved the appearance of the Solo button icons.

Minor improvements to the title bar of the multi-clip editor. Updated Ableton Sans Font: enabled use of additional diacritical marks, and correctly positioned them at the height of lower-case characters.

Increased the opacity of the clip content in Automation Mode. Live support exchanging SysEx messages with Max. Mixing The number of audio-in buses for plug-ins has been increased to a total of eight inputs. Multi Clip Editing Improved the behavior of the Fold button when editing multiple clips at the same time.

Scrubbing in MIDI Clips now works when multi-clip editing: - Scrubbing in the Session View will play the clips as if they had been started at the same time, i. If the current selection contains several clips from the same track, clips will be chosen from each track in the following order: foreground clip, playing clip, triggered clip, first clip of the track. Scrubbing is currently disabled if one of the clips is frozen. Note: the trigger line that shows where the clip s would start during the trigger state does not yet support multiple clips.

This will be addressed in the future. Additional bugfixes: - Previously, the freeze layer on top of the scrub area was not shown for frozen MIDI clips.

Improved the behavior of the Fold button when editing multiple clips at the same time. Navigation Audio tracks will be automatically named by the clips that are added onto them. If there is a single session or arrangement clip in a track, then the name of the track will follow the name of that clip.

If more clips are added, the track will stick with whatever name it got when there was only one clip. If all clips are removed from the track, the track will return to its default name. Refined zooming behavior in the Arrangement, to avoid scenarios where the view would jump to the middle of a selection if only one edge of the selection was currently visible. Follow is now paused while breakpoints are created. Additionally, when replacing a sample already loaded into Simpler, the new sample will retain all the Warp and Loop settings.

Added performance improvements to Wavetable and Echo. Real-time modulation signals are now visible at the top of Wavetable's Modulation Matrix. Reduced the memory footprint of Wavetable. Also reduced occurrences of clicks in the audio when stealing voices. Macro-mapped controls in Wavetable now appear in the Modulation Matrix. Improved Wavetable's LFO display to make the visualization smoother and more consistent. Wavetable's Modulation Matrix headers are now clickable, allowing to jump to the respective modulation source panel.

This reduces energy use and heat, and improves battery life. Copying an Arrangement clip in Session View could create additional unwanted Session clips, under certain circumstances. Live would crash when loading a Live Set, if one of the tracks contained very short clips, and at least one clip was set to "Master" tempo in the Arrangement.

The Segment BPM box is now only editable when a single warp marker is selected. Also, when an audio clip's Warp switch is activated, or when an audio clip is selected, the first warp marker is now selected and the box is consequently editable. Nudging selected material in the Arrangement might lead to unexpected results, when entering or exiting Automation Mode after creating a selection.

When deleting part of a clip within a fade-in, the fade-in no longer spans the empty space. Fixed a crash that occurred when copying a time selection on a track containing Send automation, under certain circumstances. Nudging clips in the Arrangement was not possible when the time selection was made by dragging from right to left.

When nudging a selection on an automation lane, the automation would be copied instead than moved. When dragging transient markers with the Shift modifier pressed, the transient markers would be deleted instead of moved. Live would crash when moving at least three clips under certain circumstances.

Bugfixes for time selection in Detail View for MIDI clips: when clicking the time selection header with an expanded time selection, the time selection would be lost.

Fixed a bug which prevented nudging Arrangement clips correctly, under certain conditions. Additionally, undoing the deletion of a clip could prevent the time selection from being restored. Live could crash when copying a frozen clip from Arrangement View to Session View. Additionally, it is now possible to drag frozen clips from Arrangement View to Session View. Live could crash when extending the Arrangement Loop to very large time values. The clip content of the content lane and the main automation lane would visually "jump" by a small amount when toggling Automation Mode.

Moving a non-quantized Warp Marker via arrow keys did not work at certain zoom levels. Immediately dragging a Warp Marker after its creation would not work, if the Warp Marker was not created on the top of a transient marker.

The grid modifier was not working when dragging immediately after the creation of a Warp marker. Adjusting multiple clip Gain settings at once would take an unusually long time. Automation Live would crash when importing a track with Send automation into a Set containing no return tracks.

Fixed a bug that affected content selection behavior in the Arrangement, in cases where a previously existing parameter was removed by e. Arrangement automation is no longer lost when duplicating a device using the Duplicate command. Clips no longer lose their MIDI controller or warping parameter modulation envelopes when dragged to a different track in the Arrangement. Copying, pasting and nudging a non-contiguous selection in automation lanes for multiple tracks could lead to erratic results.

Fixed the shape of the right-most automation segment's active mouse area. On Windows, automation curve editing is now only possible if the modifier was already pressed at the time of the mouse-down, to avoid disabling the grid instead.

When moving the fade-in end past the fade-out start and then back within the same mouse gesture, the fade-out start would not be restored to its prior length. Moving the fade-in start could affect the fade-out start even though they were not touching. An unexpected fade-in would erroneously appear after removing a crossfade from two crossfading clips.

Unwanted time signature automation would be created when duplicating time, if the time selection was not aligned to bar boundaries. The Automation Mode "A" shortcut key toggle was not mentioned in the respective menu entry. A wrong grid quantization was applied when creating breakpoints in proximity of a breakpoint segment while the grid was set to "Off".

Added various improvements for adding and editing automation breakpoints. Glue Compressor's "Release" parameter. Automation lanes would not be deselected after folding a track and creating a selection in a different track. When selecting the automation lane in a nested track, the Group Track's automation lane would erroneously retain the selection, if this previously existed.

It is now possible to drag an automation lane time selection to the content lane of any track. Previously, this was restricted to the same track.

Browser When one of the the Packs folders was favored, browsing its sub-folders via Collections might display the wrong content. Live would crash when trying to relocate a missing user folder in the browser, if the user folder was the root of a drive. When selecting an audio file in the browser, the wrong file would be previewed if a sample with the same name was previously selected.

Folders listed under Collections labels could exclusively be sorted by name. The browser color labels would not update correctly in some situations. When displaying the second browser column, this appeared empty until its label was clicked once. Capture When overdubbing in Session View, only one loop iteration is created before the new captured material. File Handling Live would crash when restoring a Live Set after a crash, in cases where the Live set had been saved after undoing a manoeuvre.

A crash would occur when adding a folder to Places, if the folder name contained an emoji character. Under certain circumstances, recovering a Live Set after a crash was not possible. Live could crash during a crash recovery under certain circumstances.

Live could crash when loading a clip under certain circumstances. Changes to the Global Launch Quantization were not undoable when applied via the 'Options' menu. Live would crash when an AU plug-in instance which couldn't be loaded was removed from a Set. The indexer process could crash on OS X when saving songs,if their filename contained slashes. Also, fixed a bug that caused the loading of a lesson accompanying a Live Set to fail, if the song had a slash in its file name.

Live would crash during a Live Set recovery, if the original file name contained certain caracters. Improved the logic in the mechanism for importing MIDI files in Live, which previously could lead to unexpected results.

If an audio file's name contained certain characters, those characters would not be correctly displayed when importing the file in Live. When undoing an action after Saving a set, saving the Set again was not possible.

Increased the preloaded sample file regions for warped samples in Simpler, in order to prevent sporadic drop-outs. The Undo history would be compromised in cases where the Max installation could not be found, or Max could not be started. Furthermore, Live would endlessly attempt to load referenced patches, when Max was not available. Solved an issue where drop-down menus might appear misplaced on Windows, in multi-monitor configurations.

Items in the Global Quantization drop-down menu would not be highlighted when hovering with the mouse. Improved the handling of multiple program windows on Windows. Previously, Live occasionally prevented bringing other programs to the foreground. Improved the responsiveness of interactions in the Arrangement UI e. In the Session View, clip envelope modulation was displayed in the wrong color.

FIxed a bug which, under certain circumstances, might cause certain UI elements to disappear. Adjusted a visual inconsistency in the gap between the meters and devices.

Previously, the cursor would inadvertently move away when clicking in the beat-time ruler, if Follow was active. Improved the readability of the text that appears in a plug-in device when the device is not available, when the Mid-Dark and Dark Themes are in use.

When performing a drag and drop of a track into a Group Track in the Session View, the vertical drop indicator would not be displayed correctly. The resize mouse cursor would not be shown in the Arrangement Overview, under certain conditions. Scrolling in the Arrangement might lag severely on Windows, under certain circumstances. Animations and meters would temporarily freeze during mouse movements, under certain conditions.

Applied a lighter color to the Electric device so that the parameter labels are readable in all Themes. It was not possible to input alternate characters from the character candidate window on OS X, when renaming items in Live.

The height of default MIDI and audio tracks and tracks created by dropping devices is now the same. It's a complete set of creative tools for film score, soundtracks, or adding cinematic flavor to any type of music. This versatile bundle of synth and drum sounds brings the rich sound of analog gear under your control in Live.

Flatpack Analogik Waves II offers a new collection of unique, highly customizable analog sounds to add to your arsenal. Sampled from boutique analog oscillators and chromatically tracked across the keyboard, Waves II offers a wide spectrum of sonic possibilities. Microtron captures the saturated orchestral sounds of the Mellotron — the tape-replay instrument made famous by the Beatles, Genesis and other bands.

These surreal reproductions of brass, string and wind instruments will add a distinctive color to your sound palette. With more than Drum and Instrument Racks, over loops for slicing, tweakable effects chains and more, Beat Tools has all the sounds you need for hands-on beatmaking — especially with Push.

Mix or mutate between four independent sound sources using a flexible morph matrix and a Push-ready modulation sequencer — Hypermorph offers a playful way to create rapidly changing or evolving sounds. Transient Machines is a Max for Live Pack that allows for deep sound-shaping possibilities.

Modelled after the transient designers found in professional recording studios, Transient Machines is a versatile tool for reshaping the dynamics of drums, loops, and much more. Three expertly designed Packs offer a diverse set of synth patches that show Analog and Tension at their evocative best. Now available as a discounted bundle: three Packs for the cost of two.

Outer Spaces is a versatile new audio processor that puts your sounds in beautiful spaces — but it goes way beyond your standard reverb. Multi-sampled orchestral and world percussion, plus other hits and tension builders — this Pack offers professional-grade tools and sounds to use in scores, soundtracks, or to add cinematic power to any production style.

Primed for use with Push and packed with recordings of vintage hardware within eleven tweakable Instrument Racks, House Racks is a new toolkit for producers seeking the classic sounds of 80s and 90s underground house.

Get deep with the multi-functional LFO, create a sequence of randomized preset states, or modulate parameters using an audio signal — this set of envelope followers and other device controllers can reinvent how you use your instruments and effects, and take your modulations to the molecular level.

Surreal, slow-mo soundscapes, psychedelic instruments and otherworldly timbres from underwater recordings — you can now pick up these diverse sound sets as a discounted bundle: three Packs for the cost of two.

Expand your sound palette with authentic instruments and sounds from across the globe. Inspired by the experimental sounds of the 60s and 70s, this eclectic set of dream-like instruments and textures is ideal for soundtracks, film scores, or anyone looking to spark offbeat production ideas.

IRCAM has used the expertise from decades of dedicated research and development to produce this collection of Max for Live devices. New from K-Devices, Terra is a polyphonic Max For Live synth incorporating frequency modulation, phase distortion, ring modulation and wave shaping.

Polyphylla is a new Max For Live instrument that makes additive synthesis accessible and fun. Its ability to generate unique rhythms and melodies, and deft control over randomization elements make it an exciting tool for those looking for inspiration and experimentation.

Heavyocity brings its flagship collection of analog and organic drum sounds to Live: a carefully processed, production-ready batch of live percussion, drum machines and modular synth drums. Heavyocity offer up this free Pack of drum sounds from their flagship DMA collection: a production-ready batch of live percussion, drum machines and modular synth drums. It lets bands maintain their natural groove when performing with Live.

Polytek is a versatile and creative Max for Live instrument combining step sequencing, vocoding and multiband gating, using Analog and Sampler as sound sources. The latest Pack from EarthMoments comprises over one-shot samples and loops inspired by the ethereal atmospheres of rivers, oceans, waterfalls and lakes.

An extensive toolkit of over drum samples, chords, MIDI clips, loops and Simpler instruments tailor-made for modern music styles. Packed with edgy sounds, spectacular effects and powerful mix processors, Magic Racks is a one-stop composition, mixing and mastering toolkit for dance music producers and live performers.

From premium Max For Live developer Amazing Noises comes a pair of anarchic effects for sound designers, glitch producers and explorers of uncharted sonic territory: Dedalus Delay and Stutter Switch. With over freely patchable modules and dozens of pre-patched synths and effects, OSCiLLOT brings the near-infinite creative possibilities of modular synthesis to Ableton Live. Holder is a spectral freezing device. It grabs short slices of sound and transforms them to ambient textures.

It is perfect for creating wide, lush soundscapes and atmospheric drones. AlterEcho is a supercharged delay effect which can add complex rhythm and tone to your sounds. It is transport-synced with step-based parameters, enabling powerful control of your sound over time. Break Selection is a free pack that includes drum loops recorded by some of the best drummers in the business. Flatpack Analogik Drums is a collection of unique drum kits, constructed from recordings of highly sought-after analog modular gear.

This Pack combines the old-school flavour of analog drums with fresh and colorful snares, kicks, cymbals, toms, claps and percussive elements, making it perfect for a variety of productions. Flatpack Analogik Waves provides a range of mono and poly synth analog sounds, from raw and dirty synth leads to beautifully ethereal pads. This Pack was painstakingly sampled and chromatically tracked across the keyboard, to bring rich and harmonically arresting analog synth sounds to your fingertips.

Entangled Species is a collection of over cinematic sounds designed for Ableton's Tension. It is perfect for creating electro-acoustic and ambient arrangements. Progressive electronic pioneers such as Vangelis and Jean-Michel Jarre provided the inspiration for this collection of retro-futuristic sounds. Geisterwelt is a spectral sampler and visualizer.

With control over multiple audio and video parameters, Geisterwelt lets you simultaneously create music and responsive HD video with nothing more than a MIDI controller, a keyboard, or mouse. Apocalypse Percussion Elements is a massive library of over 4, high-quality samples ranging from entire drum ensembles to individual drums, cymbals and percussion instruments such as bongos, cajons, gongs and more.

A collection of over 5, analog drum sounds sampled from a broad range of hardware. Encompassing vintage Roland machines, contemporary drum synths, DIY circuit board kits and more, this Pack brings the warm tones of analog drums straight to your studio. Developed at the legendary IRCAM institute in Paris, this Pack contains six Max for Live effects and one instrument for advanced real-time sound processing and manipulation.

Conundrums is a collection of 50 drum kits, each uniquely crafted for versatility and fine-tuned so that all components play together in harmony.

Designed to complement a wide range of genres and pack a mighty punch in the mix, Conundrums is an all-in-one beatmaking powerhouse. Mallets brings two expertly sampled melodic percussion instruments to Ableton Live. The Rhythomatix Pack brings you a library of highly nuanced loops, samples and drum kits geared towards world music, electronic, industrial and pop productions — subtle cinematic sounds that collectively provide a powerful rhythmic impact.

Inspired by the classic string machines of the s, Ensemble is a Max for Live string synthesizer with a unique built-in morphing formant filter. Ensemble also includes chorus and phaser effects which can be used separately. Max for Cats presents DiGiTAL, a powerful polyphonic synth that fuses aspects of additive, wavetable, frequency modulation and subtractive synthesis.

DiGiTAL is distinctly designed for creating new sounds and provides a comprehensive set of controls expressly for this purpose. Sample Magic delivers the grit and soul of machine-made techno with hundreds of loops crafted from analogue synths and hardware. This Pack comes loaded with pounding beats, raw synth lines, dirty basslines, dubbed-out chords, processed vocals and much more.

Dub Machines is a pair of expertly designed Max for Live devices that reproduce, and expand on the sound of classic tape and analog delays. With vintage character, extensive control and deep sound-shaping capabilities, Dub Machines is ready to take any sound into space.

Effect Racks is a collection of over sophisticated audio effects engineered for instant sound sculpting. Recording Hybrid Kit is a free Pack consisting of a multi-sampled, multi-velocity Yamaha drumset.

Made up of elements of several different drumsets, Hybrid is a great sounding, all-purpose kit from Drumdrops — the makers of A Fistful of Drumkits. Three diverse drum kits for any situation - from pounding metal crashes to crackling dub snares. Fill your drum arsenal with over 2 GB of sounds, including multi-sampled hits that capture the human feel of a professional drummer.

Flatpack Darwin features evolving pads, animated textures and shifting tonal soundscapes. Vocalisms is a collection of 58 drum kits made solely from sounds produced by the human voice and mouth. Taking advantage of the entire oral spectrum, this Pack focuses on the voice as a percussive instrument and provides all the elements of a drum kit, and much more.

Drop Herse in your track and manipulate audio in real time. Herse is a slicing multi-effect that lets you rearrange your signal and apply a defined amount of effect to each slice. The instrument highlights the natural breathiness, range of expression and broad tonality of the brass quartet. Created in collaboration with Spitfire Audio. Build and Drop Build and Drop is loaded with ecstatic leads, enveloping bass, slamming drums and a range of rises, sirens and sounds effects.

A creative toolbox for building the irresistible anticipation and release this music uses to keep the party going. Drive and Glow Updated for Live 11 Drive and Glow combines swirling synth textures, overdriven guitars and basses and pounding drums.

Carefully curated to be mix-ready out of the box, this Pack is perfect for creating tracks that radiate with saturated, indie vibes. Drone Lab New in Live 11 Weave complex, evolving threads through your productions with tonal and textural samples, generative noise, multisampled instruments, plus devices and Effect Racks designed for experimentation.

Drum Booth Updated for Live 11 Drum Booth contains carefully curated samples of acoustic kits recorded in a tight, dry room. Perfect on their own or as reinforcement for electronic drums, Drum Booth also offers unique post processing options and experimental recordings not possible with standard acoustic libraries. Special attention was given to making this Pack sound as true-to-life and organic as possible.

The result is characterful electric keys for any genre. Glitch and Wash This collection explores the contrast of organic texture and precise rhythms — combining precision slices, jagged electronic noise and microscopic snippets of sound with warm ambient pads, textures and soundscapes.

Inspired by Nature New in Live 11 Six playful instruments and effects that use natural and physical processes as their inspiration. Created in collaboration with Dillon Bastan. Latin Percussion A collection of acoustic percussion instruments such as congas, timbales, claves, shakers, tambourines and bells from the worlds of Brazillian, Afro-Cuban and African music.

Orchestral Brass A thorough set of vivid and colorful brass instruments. Features solo and ensemble French horn, trombone, trumpet and tuba, with a unique set of articulations in multiple section sizes. Orchestral Mallets The true essence of symphonic percussion instruments in pristine quality. Features vibraphone, marimba, xylophone, crotales, glockenspiel, tubular bells, cymbals and timpani with a variety of articulations.

Orchestral Strings A comprehensive selection of naturally rich and dynamic stringed instruments. Features solo and ensemble violin, viola, cello and double bass, all record in their natural positions within the orchestra, complete with a number of articulations.

Orchestral Woodwinds Features a variety of clear and vibrant wind instruments. Includes solo and ensemble flute, clarinet, bassoon, oboe and English horn, with a broad spectrum of articulations. Probability Pack A collection of creative sequencers that introduce probability and chance to your music. Punch and Tilt A dancefloor-ready collection of sounds focused on machine rhythms, weighty bass and dark, hypnotizing melodies, textures and noises — a rough sonic aesthetic that started with a small group of underground producers and has grown into a worldwide scene.

Session Drums Club A multisampled library of acoustic drums for nuanced play. Features room ambience from club environments. Session Drums Studio A multisampled library of acoustic drums that reproduces the nuances of a recording session. Features clear studio recordings of world-class drum kits, properly miked and ready to play.

Singularities Singularities makes use of single samples and finely tuned, expressive parameters to capture the sound and feel of classic synths and samplers.

String Quartet New in Live 11 This combination of two violins, viola and cello has a sound that is immediately intimate, and is also a great starting point for sonic exploration. Created by top artists and sound designers, Synth Essentials makes it easy to find the sounds you need with no interruption to your creative flow.

Voice Box New in Live 11 A comprehensive collection of contemporary vocal samples from multiple voices, a set of playable vocal instruments, and Effect Racks designed for vocal processing. Audio Effects Intro Standard Suite. Audio Effect Rack Updated for Live 11 Combine audio effects into a single device, allowing for the creation of simplified Macro controls for complex effects chains.

Auto Pan LFO-driven panning, tremolo and beat-synchronized chopping effects. Beat Repeat Creative beat mangling with controlled or randomized repetitions of an incoming signal. Channel EQ A flexible and simple EQ with curves and gain ranges suitable for a variety of audio material. Chorus-Ensemble Updated for Live 11 Create thickening, flanging and vibrato effects. Ensemble is a new algorithm inspired by a thick 3-delay line chorus used in the 70s for string machines.

Compressor Dynamics processing to add punch and loudness. Delay A simple delay with Ping pong behavior, filter modulation and the ability to infinitely repeat the input signal. Gate Dynamics processing for noise reduction and decay or reverb shaping. Grain Delay Granular delay with controlled or randomized pitch.

Limiter Sets an absolute output limit, suitable for mastering. Looper Records, loops and overdubs audio, based on classic hardware looping pedals. Phaser-Flanger Updated for Live 11 Phaser-Flanger has a new, lusher sound with increased frequency and modulation ranges. Redux Updated for Live 11 Redux adds a wider range of sounds from vintage digital gear including harsh distortion, digital and aliasing artifacts, as well as warm and saturated 8-bit textures.

Reverb Simulates the acoustics of real or imaginary rooms. Unzip the file and run setup. Then open Live and follow the instructions there. If you want to uninstall the trial at any point, you can find help here.

You can install the trial next to your current version. Your library will not be overwritten or altered.


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